OUR MISSION is to support artistic effort and output by providing pedagogical resources to improve ballet training outcomes. By presenting authoritative material and teaching artists, CDA makes the formal vocabulary and training methodology of Classical Dance more accessible to ballet instructors, as well as performers, creators, and spectators of dance.
Instruction is the first critical link in the chain that leads to performance and the central focus of CDA's efforts.

By making Classical Dance pedagogy more accessible to every contributor to every phase of dancemaking, CDA provides valuable tools to inform and enrich the entire process.
Every day another performing company is born, yet the first crucial step in the process that culminates in performance — the training of our dancers — is too often overlooked.
With this as our focus, CDA is working:
To build an alliance of professionals who actively participate in the training of Classical Dancers using a common language and knowledge base to ensure the continuity and quality of Classical Dance
To support excellence in Classical Dance training for improved learning outcomes and better performance opportunities for their students
To educate ballet instructors and dance educators in Classical Dance pedagogy and promote the Classical Dance curriculum as an exceptional tool for training dancers
To enrich contemporary and traditional performances by making the Classical Dance vocabulary in its full depth and breadth more accessible to professionals choreographing, staging and performing dance
To foster a better understanding of and appreciation for the Classical Dance tradition through education, by facilitating communication, providing information, and stimulating discourse on Classical Dance
CDA focuses exclusively on Classical Dance
CDA is not a regulatory or oversight agency seeking to enforce standards, but a resource organization seeking to raise standards through education, discourse, and collaboration
CDA is not an entity separate from the dance community it serves but arises from and fulfills its mission through that community
CDA addresses training and performance issues specifically through the prism of pedagogy and uses as the primary basis for its work an established and documented methodology of instruction
CDA can be a resource for other dance service organizations with compatible missions by providing a specific means of helping them to advance their broader goals
CDA is global in scope because Classical Dance has an international and multicultural heritage
With the participation and support of likeminded professionals, patrons, and collaborators who cherish Classical Dance and seek to preserve and perpetuate the art form to the highest standards, Classical Dance Alliance can have a unique and meaningful impact on the contemporary dancescape.